Impromptu Events ....
Queensland Department of Transport Policy ....
An ′Impromptu Event′ is an event that has been initiated by a club member, involves one or more vehicles, and must comply with the following elements:
- Involves an invitation to wider club members to attend.
- Is endorsed in advance of the event by the relevant club committee.
- Complies with published club guidelines as to what is a valid event.
- Is listed, prior to the event, either in the newsletter, on the website, or social media.
Caboolture Regional Car Club Guidelines ....
Should a member wish to initiate an impromptu event, ie., an event not already published in the events section of the Club′s website or in the events section of the Club′s Facebook Group, it is the responsibility of the member organising the event to notify other members of the Club of their intention by posting their event on the Club′s Impromptu Events Facebook Group. Should the member not use social media, then the member is to provide the required information to a member of the management committee who can post it on their behalf.
To comply with the guidelines as set-down by the Queensland Department of Transport in its ′Conditions of Use of Special Interest Vehicles′, and also that of the Caboolture Regional Car Club, the member must:
- Provide a minimum of 12 hours notice of the intended run.
- Download and print a ′Run Participants Register′ and have it completed by the individuals who partake in the run.
- At the completion of the event, ensure that the completed ′Run Participants Register′ is forwarded to the Club′s Run Coordinator or Secretary.
- Publish the following information on the Club′s Impromptu Events Facebook Group.
- Departure point.
- Departure time.
- Route.
- Destination.
- Vehicle registration number.
- Name of run leader if not the person posting the run.
- Any other relevant information.